We all want lasting love, to be able to give and receive love, and to build healthy relationships with others. Yet there’s often a lot of confusion and pain to get there. And the most challenging one can be to truly love ourselves. What if it didn’t have to be that way?
What if there were certain guidelines that could ease your journey and help you navigate the challenges that come up?
Today we’re talking about understanding your Patterns.
Have you ever felt disappointed about an opportunity that was lost, or a decision that you made, and wished you had taken a different path?
When I was in studying for my MBA, I did my thesis on Shiseido, the Japanese makeup company. I was fascinated with the culture and worked closely with the top executives who were introducing the line to North America. When I graduated, they offered me a job in sales or marketing, which I did not take, and for years, maybe decades, I wondered...
“What is my purpose?” is one of the most perplexing questions we can ever face. We all ask it at one point or another, especially in times of transition.
it can take a lifetime or the answer can come right through in a flash of insight, Today, I have 5 distinct ways to find your purpose, and I'm excited for you to hear them, and see which one resonates with you the most. Let’s start with this ancient story that describes how the answer can come very...
How great would it feel to be free of other people’s negativity or drama? The good news is that greater calm and happiness are entirely possible. But we can’t wait for others to change. It’s up to us to protect our peace, and it’s not as hard as we may think. Today I’m going to give you 5 ways to get there, and you will love the new freedom that you feel.
One of my all time favorite quotes from Viktor Frankl: “Between stimulus and response, there...
Post-Traumatic Growth, PTG, is all about going through something harrowing, but instead of it flattening you, it can make you bounce back stronger, have greater meaning, and make you feel more alive. Sound good?
Can Trauma make you stronger? The answer is yes. Even after severe stress and crippling trauma (Big T, Little t) even after grief and loss, there's a growing number of people who don’t just return to their base level before the traumatic incident, they...
Would you be surprised to know that according to research, 57 percent of women and 43 percent of men are overthinkers? The good news is that, according to research at University of Michigan, it does get better with time. “73 percent of 25-35 year-olds overthink compared to 52 percent of 45-55 year-olds and just 20 percent of 65-75 year-olds.” And the really good news is that it’s a habit and like any other habit, it can be dealt with. Today here are 5 strategies...
I just read an article from Greater Good Science Center (a great resource) that reported that around the world almost a quarter of people 15 years old or older reported being very or fairly lonely. It also quoted a study that found “midlife Americans were much lonelier than their British and European counterparts.” Interesting. And it’s getting worse. Today we’ll unpack the reasons why, and explore what to do to make things better.
Are you ever lonely? For most...
Want more happiness? Get more awe and wonder in your life. If you’ve ever witnessed an eclipse, stood in the dark under a starlit sky, or witnessed the breathtaking magic of a double rainbow, you have unintentionally but fully, entered one of the most amazing states a human can enter: a state of awe.
It can happen in a concert when you are totally immersed in the music, when you are moved deeply by a painting or poem, seeing a baby born, or staring at a majestic view from a...
What does happiness mean to you? Happiness is a lot of things to a lot of people, It’s a perspective, it’s something we can train our brain towards, and it’s also a habit. The happiest or most peaceful people, share some similar qualities. Today, I wanted to give them to you in the form of 10 tips to embrace midlife and Be Happier. See which ones you already have, and which you want to dial up:
The happiest people:
Explore their creativity or...
Happiness is a perspective, and it is also a habit. it's more instinctive than you may think.
Have you noticed that as we get older, we may be changing some old, ingrained habits, and we really don’t care nearly as much about some of the things that bothered us before.
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Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.