Have you ever had a sense that something was off, that things we not quite right? It could be in a relationship, a work situation, or a nagging feeling about your finances or your health. If it’s not staring us in the face, we tend to look the other way; after all there are so many other things that need our attention. Either it's too scary to face the unknown, or we don’t want to leave our comfort zone, even if we know that it is not helping us grow… but it’s hard to...
Most of us think we have all the time in the world. If we can’t get to something today, there's always tomorrow. There’s a good reason for this; at the end of the day, you have to say the day is done, tomorrow is another day, which is all true. However, here’s an invitation: what if you could wake up each morning, not with a sigh, but with anticipation. I wonder what the day will bring. What can I be excited about, what could I do to surprise myself or...
We all feel it from time to time: stress, overwhelm, disappointment, confusion, feeling upset. There are times when it passes quickly and times when it can feel like a dark cloud that never lifts.
The temptation, of course, is to muscle through it – keep calm and carry on, but that can sometimes just bury the feelings and then they emerge sideways or upside down or in ways we would never expect. OR we turn to numbing behaviors to self-soothe – like binges of any kinds from Netflix...
In the light of the recent tragedies and shootings, I want to give this topic context. Forgiveness is not to say that bad things are OK, that you have to forgive and forget. There are certainly events that you won’t be able to forget and which may even shape who you are. Today we are talking about real ways to move forward, and why.
There are many good reasons to feel angry, sad or betrayed. Maybe your parents were wounded and inadvertently passed that on, maybe a relationship has...
If you’re human, you will have experienced disappointment at some point, and there are so many reasons why: you could have been hoping to get a specific job, you could have been fired from an old one; you could be hoping for a new relationship to take off, or be dealing with bumps in the road in an existing one; you or someone you love could have a health diagnosis. Or it could be as simple as a new pair of shoes you were obsessing about were not available in your size. This...
Studies show that most people spend 2 hours a day spending time worrying about relationships, finances, health etc., but 85–90% of things people worry about do not come true. For example: you may have an argument with your significant other, but you don’t break up. You may have not done as well as you would like on a presentation, but you are not fired. Mark Twain says “I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened." So let's discuss...
Do you ever feel like every part of you wants to move forward, break out of a rut. Like you’re tired of the same old, same old. You may even be bored with yourself!! Then there are those feelings of being sorry for yourself – "what’s wrong with me," "everyone else is getting ahead," "it’s embarrassing, what am I doing wrong?" You’re not doing anything wrong – you just need a fresh perspective and to try something new. Today we’re talking...
Acknowledge and Fight the Stigma – A recent NPR interview with Author and Professor Dr. Anthony Rostain discusses the burgeoning mental health epidemic on college campuses. A record number of students are feeling anxious and find it difficult to get help even though they know it is available. In some cases students might even be adamantly against it. Why? Well the reasons vary but one stands out - denial or procrastination. Only 1 in 4 students get the...
Let’s understand what anger is...
Anger is part of our emotional vocabulary. Maybe you’ve felt anger towards yourself, a family member, colleague, partner, the dog, traffic, the state of the world (who hasn't....). There are many degrees of anger ranging from frustration to white hot rage.
Anger is a signal that something is not right - maybe a boundary has been violated, maybe you feel you are being prevented from getting something you really want;...
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Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.