We’ve all heard the saying that knowledge is power. But at the end of the day, knowing yourself is the most powerful asset there is. It sounds straightforward, right? But there's more to this story.
It’s easy to know our weaknesses – the negative ego or critical mind has a great time with that! But knowing our strengths is often way more challenging for people to grapple with. Have you ever had someone give you a compliment and you had to minimize it,...
The only constant is change, so it is natural that in a changing landscape that self-doubt would come in. Which way to pivot? How to deal with turbulence at work or at home? How should your life reflect your priorities? You may question how you are showing up as well as your next move.
Here are 5 ways to deal with self-doubt. But before we jump in self-doubt is not necessarily a bad thing – it can be a very effective way to have you consider the pros ad...
Have you ever heard a story of someone who had unimaginable odds stacked against them, yet was able to find their own path to success? Recently, I had a conversation with Jim Markham, author of Big Lucky, whose life and lessons are nothing short of inspiring. We begin with: Jim, you had an incredibly rough childhood. Your mom suffered to maintain sobriety, your dad left you, and you were bullied at school. I can't get the image out of my head of a young boy left in a cold car, eyes...
We've all heard of self-love, but most people find it hard to even accept themselves fully. We are immersed in a culture of feeling "not enough." Yet, it is this very quality of self-acceptance that’s the foundation of inner peace, confidence, and even success, however you define that for yourself. The question is how to get there? Here are 3 pathways to self-acceptance.
1.Make Yourself a Non-Judgment Zone
Write down 3 things you like about yourself, and three...
Let’s face it- we are dealing with unusual times. Some people can deal with it; some have a harder time. Anxiety affects 18.1% of the population, almost 1 in 5 in the U.S. alone—maybe it’s even higher these days. And according to the WHO, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. It’s a good time to look into what to do if people around you, especially friends, are having a hard time.
How can you tell if a friend is depressed?
According to the ADAA...
Reprinted From Huffpost:
Some believe that you can find yourself as the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. This goes for friendships, too. Here are some of the qualities that I am grateful for in my friends. While different people have different qualities, just thinking about them makes me smile. Especially in crazy times, a good friend to talk with makes all the difference... Take a look and see which qualities you can match to the...
Before I start anything, I just want to encourage everyone in the U.S. who has not yet had the opportunity, to please go out and vote. Your voice matters more than you know.
So, it was just my birthday – in such a crazy year, in such wild times. I usually don’t make a big deal out of it, but this year, for some reason, it has more meaning. I feel more grateful in general, for the little things, the messages and phone calls that have come my way. Interestingly, I am...
We all wish we could have peace all the time, but a funny thing - life happens. In this climate of close quarters, high stress, and divisiveness, these skills can help you more than you know. Whether it’s friendship issues, political views, or parent-child struggles, here are 5 things to do when you find yourself in an atmosphere of disagreement and even judgment.
1. Pay Attention To Your Emotions:
When there is tension between you and others, if others are taking a...
Post-Traumatic Growth, PTG, is all about going through something harrowing, but instead of it flattening you, it can make you bounce back stronger, have greater meaning, and make you feel more alive. Sound good?
Though this term is not as widely known, many people have heard of PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, which can start when people witness sudden life threatening events: the shocking death of someone you love, a violent personal assault, a...
There certainly are enough negative things going on in the world today - thinks that shock our systems and take us off course. What if instead of getting burdened or even buried by them, we could use aspects to reframe our thinking and bring us back to a more positive perspective? I’m not saying walk through life with rose-colored glasses – just experiment with a way to tap into your resiliency, so you can move forward. This involves looking at things in a counterintuitive way....
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Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.