Emotions can be challenging. Learn how to embrace yours. Pick up a copy of my book Emotional Advantage today!

The Eyes Have It: getting rid of under eye bags

So what’s the deal with eye bags? For some people it’s hereditary, but I never had eye bags until a month or 2 ago, so I’m kinda curious. Where did they come from? What am I doing or not doing to have these show up? Maybe you’ve asked the same questions.


Today, I want to share the best of what I’ve found in Face Yoga as well as some very unexpected but highly recommended remedies. Let’s jump in.


The things that bring this on, it turns out are:...

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Face Yoga 3: Help for Marionette Lines & Droopy Mouth

droopy mouth face yoga Mar 14, 2024

I looked in the mirror recently, and noticed some new lines! From the sides of the nose to the jaw area. What's up with that? I accept my wrinkles and completely appreciate the gift of getting older - that's 100%. But if Face Yoga can strengthen the the muscles below the skin, and improve elasticity, I'm in. 


So, what are those lines? Nasolabial folds, sometimes called smile lines are from the side of  the nose to the corner of the mouth. Marionette lines are...

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Face Yoga 2: If You Want to Look More Peaceful, Try This!

Do you know how when we worry or frown, we tend to scrunch our eyebrows together?  In time, if that is our habit, (and it is for so many, with all the stress around) we end up with these "11 lines" between our eyebrows (some even call it resting bitch face!) It doesn't have to be this way. 


Though this is one of the zones that botox targets,  there are other ways such as Face Yoga to help ease the 11 lines. Just as the body is reshaped through...

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Face Yoga - 5 Facial Exercises You'll Be Happy You Tried

If you’re over 45 or heading in that direction, this is for you! Recently we explored strength training for the body,  and activating dormant muscles to be your most vibrant self. (If you haven’t seen the first 2 videos yet, you can tune in here) Activating our muscles in our bodies is logical, right? But what about above the neck too? What if we could keep our face as strong as our bodies? What if we could activate the facial muscles and get more tone and...

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Get Stronger - Why you need this now

Have you ever felt really solid in your body, or have you ever WANTED to feel that way? Have you noticed that when you feel stronger physically, it's so much easier to feel emotionally strong too? The best way to get to this is by strength training, that is getting stronger physically, specifically building more muscle. The earlier you start, the better off you will be.


It's not only empowering, and great for you; it is a huge advantage in living your best and most vibrant...

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Happiness Over 50, Pt. 1

alignment happiness health Feb 14, 2024

If you’re over 50, or heading in that direction, it’s a wakeup call to start taking care of yourself. I know you are probably so used to taking care of others, but it’s imperative that you start to look after yourself too. Today we’ll talk about what that can look like, and i’ll be introducing an array of topics in the weeks ahead.


BTW - you can watch this on Youtube too, and if you haven't yet, do subscribe.  Every week we talk...

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Don’t Believe the Hype! Challenge unrealistic expectations and get happier

There are so many messages both in social media and in our own heads that we have to conform to a certain definition of beauty and success. How about some new perspectives, so you can not be trapped, even unknowingly in the comparison game, (which as the saying goes, “compare leads to despair.”) This is about looking at these messages through a new lens and finding more freedom and joy.


First step always is awareness – to be aware of what we have been...

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How to Silence Your Inner Critic

Have you ever seen those cartoons where the main character has a tiny little angel on one shoulder, and a little devil on the other? The angel is whispering encouraging and supportive words, “You got this – get back in there.”  and the devil uses words that tear the person down or plant seeds of doubt “It's too late. What were you thinking – you’re just going to humiliate yourself – you don’t have what it takes.”  It’s...

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Let Go of Past Regrets and Rewrite Your Future

Have you ever wanted to let go of old regrets? But just having that desire, does not mean it's easy. We are all human. We all make mistakes, and that's because we’re all here to learn. The good news is we don’t have to keep trudging through life, carrying this heavy baggage. Below, I’m going to give you 7 ways to free yourself from the tethers of regret, guilt and shame, and use what’s happened to make you stronger, more aware, and kinder to yourself and others....

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5 things I Know Now & Wish I’d Learned in My 30’s

alignment energy happiness Jan 17, 2024

When we are running around in our 30’s and on, getting older is something that most people dread. But what if instead of getting worse, life got better in many ways? Here are 5 things I wish I knew earlier on.


     1. Your Happiness Increases

If you think that the happiest years are when you are younger, and after that everything goes downhill, that’s something we are used to seeing in the culture, but it is not the way life plays out. Research based on the...

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50% Complete

Comfortable in Our Own Skin Challenge

Elevate your confidence and peace, as we realign with our core Self & inner strengths. Time to claim a definition of beauty/vibrancy that’s on our own terms.